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Cello (해외배송 가능상품)

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첼로 이경준


첼리스트 이경준은 따뜻한 감수성과 마음을 울리는 소리로 청중의 마음을 사로잡는다고 평가받고 있다. 리투아니아에서열린 다비드 게링가스 국제 첼로 콩쿠르에서 뛰어난 기량으로 우승을 거머쥐며 본격적인 국제적 활동의 시작을 알린 이후 다비드 게링가스 국제 첼로 콩쿠르의 심사위원으로 위촉되었다. 더불어 불가리아 영 비르투오소 국제 콩쿠르 1위, 칼다비도프 국제 첼로 콩쿠르 2위 등 국제무대에서 두각을 나타내며 재능을 인정받았다. 또한 노르웨이 라디오 심포니 오케스트라와 드보르자크 첼로 협주곡으로 성황리에 공연을 가졌으며, 노르웨이 전역에 TV와 라디오로 생중계되었고 스웨덴, 핀란드 등의 북유럽 국가들에서도 TV로 방영되며 주목을 받았다.
어려서부터 남다른 음악성으로 두각을 보인 그는 이화경향 콩쿠르, 중앙음악 콩쿠르, 대관령 국제 음악제 협연자 콩쿠르등에서 우승 및 상위 입상하였으며, 창원시립교향악단 협연을 시작으로 프라임 필하모닉 오케스트라, 코리아쿱 오케스트라, 아시아 페스티벌 오케스트라, GMMFS 페스티벌 오케스트라, 클라이페다 체임버 오케스트라, 노르웨이 국립음악원오케스트라, 노르웨이 Kirsten Flagstad 페스티벌 오케스트라, 노르웨이 라디오 심포니 오케스트라, 아르메니아 국립교향악단 등 다수의 협연을 통해 평단의 호응을 이끌었다. 또한 노르웨이 라디오 심포니 객원 수석을 역임하였으며, 예술의전당(IBK챔버홀)독주회, 금호 영 아티스트 독주회, 더하우스 콘서트 독주회, 청주하우스 콘서트 독주회를 비롯하여 오슬로와 베를린에서 여러 차례의 독주회를 가졌다. 서울 국제 음악제, 클라이페다 국제 첼로 페스티벌, 대관령 국제 음악제, 여수 국제 음악제, 경기 실내악축제, 금호 솔로이스츠, 부산 클래식 음악제, 이상근 국제 음악제, 예술의전당 11시 콘서트협연, 예술의전당 아티스트 라운지콘서트. KBS 클래식 FM 라디오<KBS 음악실, 생생클래식>, MBC<TV예술무대>, Arte TV 등에 초청되어 연주하였다.
그는 한국예술종합학교에 영재 입학 및 정명화, 김민지를 사사하고 졸업하였으며, 이후 베를린 한스아이슬러 음대에서석사과정을 Troels Svane사사로 수학하였고, 노르웨이 국립음악원에서 이 시대 최고의 거장 Truls Mørk를 사사하며아티스트 디플로마 과정을 졸업하였다.
현재 그는 솔로와 실내악 등 전문연주자로서 활발한 활동을 하고 있으며 스페인 파블로 카잘스 재단이 수여한 특별상의일환으로 ‘파블로 카잘스 박물관’ 초청연주와 음반 작업이 예정되어 있다.

Cello Kyungjun Lee

Kyung-Jun Lee is a musically gifted South-Korean Cellist. At the age of 16, he was admitted to Korea National University of Arts and graduated with a Bachelor in Music in 2014, under Myung-Wha Chung and Minji Kim. After his Bachelor, he studied master degree at Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin under Troels Svane. And he received an Artist Diploma, studying with the internationally renowned cellist Truls Mørk at the Norwegian Academy of Music.
Mr. Lee is the top-prize winner of many major music competitions, such as the 1st prize Klaipeda David Geringas International Cello Competition, After winning the competition, he was appointed as a jury member of the 'David Geringas' International Cello Competition
And as part of a special award given by the Pablo Casals Foundation in Spain, he is scheduled to perform the invitation of the Pablo Casals Museum and record work.
Also he won the the 1st prize 'Young Virtuoso International Competition' in Bulgaria and 2nd prize Karl Davidoff International Cello Competition.
Mr.Lee has also performed with the Changwon Philharmonic, the Asia Festival Orchestra, the GMMFS Orchestra, the Prime Philharmonic Orchestra, the Klaipeda Chamber Orchestra, the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, the Norwegian Academy of Music Orchestra, and the Norwegian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Especially, the performance with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra has been broadcasted live on radio and TV throughout Norway, Sweden and Finland. He also served as the sub-principal at the Norwegian Radio Orchestra.
Kyung-Jun has performed at the Seoul International Music Festival, International Klaipeda Cello Festival, GMMFS International Music Festival, Yeosu International Music Festival, Gyeonggi-do Chamber Music Festival, Busan Classic Music Festival, Lee Sang-geun Music Festival, and Seoul Arts Center 'Artist Lounge' Concert.
And Mr. Lee is currently active in many solo and chamber music performances in Korea, Norway, and Germany.

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