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추천메일 보내기 상품조르기 대량구매문의

Viola (해외배송 가능상품)

기본 정보
연주자 : 이한나
수량 : 수량증가수량감소
SNS 상품홍보

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비올라 이한나

비올리스트 이한나는 한국예술종합학교 학사 졸업 후, 미국 커티스 음악원, 뉴잉글랜드 음악원에서 석사과정 및 연주자과정을 수료하였으며, 독일 크론베르크 아카데미를 졸업하였다.

이한나는  라비니아, 베르비에, 말보로와 같은 세계 유수의 페스티벌에 여러 차례 초청되어 연주 하는 등 미국, 유럽 등지에서 활발히 활동하고 있다. 2011년 ‘금호아티스트시리즈 독주회’, 2014년 ‘겨울나그네 전곡 독주회’ ,2016년 'Brahms전곡 독주회', 2021년 ‘활의춤 시리즈’ 등 꾸준히 금호아트홀에서 초청 독주회를 열고 있으며, 2019년, 2020년 두해에 걸쳐 All about viola I,II 독주회를 예술의전당 IBK챔버홀과 가회동성당에서 성공적으로 마쳤다. 또한 교향악축제에서 성남시향, 군포 프라임 필하모닉 오케스트라와 협연하였으며, 또한 KBS 교향악단, 코리안심포니, 알래스카 페어뱅크스심포니 오케스트라, 프랑크푸르트라인마인 청년 필하모닉 등과 협연하였다. 

그녀는 뮤직알프페스티벌, 서울 스프링 페스티벌, 평창대관령 음악제, 서울 국제 음악제 등에 꾸준히 참여하고 있으며 칼라치 스트링 퀄텟, 금호 솔로이스츠, 앙상블 오푸스, 코리아나 챔버뮤직 소사이어티, 올라 비올라 사운드의 멤버로 활동 중이다. 현재는 한국예술종합학교와 영재교육원을 비롯하여 연세대학교에 출강하여 후학 양성에 힘쓰고 있다.


Viola Hanna Lee

Violist Hanna Lee is one of the most spotlighted violinists of the generation. Hanna Lee has been invited to world-renown festivals such as Lavinia, Verbier, and Marlboro to play with famous musicians, including Kim Kashkashian, Colin Carr, Lucy Chapman and Charles Neidich. She was named “Young Artists to Lead the Next Generation” by Monthly Auditorium in 2015. She won the first prize at the New England Conservatory Concerto Competition, and also won at various international competitions, including International Young Artists’ Competition, Hellam Young Artists’ Competition and Osaka International Music Competition.


After making her debut through the Kumho Young Artist Concert in 2004, she gained attention as a rising violist through the Rising Star Series held at Kumho Art Hall in 2009. Since then she has been regularly invited to perform solo recitals at the Kumho Hall. In 2016, she performed the Walton’s Viola Concerto with Seongnam City Philharmonic and Nanse Gum at the Symphony Festival in 2016, played Bertok’s concerto with Alaska Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra at the Gumi Music Festival, and she also performed with KNUA Orchestra and NEC Philharmonia.


She performed with violinist Christian Tetzlaff and cellist Steven Isserlis at the “Chamber Music Connects the World” program in 2012. She is also regularly invited to Festival Musicalp, Busan Music Festival, and Gumi International Music Festival.


Currently, Hanna Lee is actively performing at regular concerts and tours as a member of Kumho Asiana Soloists, Olympus Ensemble, Ensemble Opus, Koreana Chamber Music Society, Roman Ensemble, and Ola Viola Sound. She also performed as a violist of the Kallaci String Quartet and she has been attempting various projects including performances of the entire quartet of Shostakovich and Africa tour. She is also teaching at the Korea National University of Arts Academy of Gifted, Yonsei University, Yewon School, Seoul Arts Highschool, Sunhwa Arts Middle and Highschool.


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